Traffic Batons
Passive warnings and alerts are only a small part of traffic safety. More often than not more direct action is required to guide street traffic, heavy machinery, airplanes on airport tarmacs, and people through unsafe, perilous, or nighttime circumstances. When it is dark, traffic batons will produce considerable visibility to traffic controllers, guiding traffic through safe routes. Traffic batons are excellent tools for event ushers, fire and police departments, airline ground controllers, and road crews.
When it comes to night time road work, one of the most straight forward means to avoid accidents involving traffic, is to have traffic control specialists. There should always be someone from your crew that establishes a safe traffic pattern around your work site, and then implements a system for traffic to pass through uninhibited. At night however, stop and slow paddles may be hard to see. This is why for low light conditions you should consider utilizing illuminated traffic safety batons. These traffic safety batons are ideal because they can easily be seen by passing motorists. They can also be seen from a greater distance, so motorists will start slowing down earlier.
Another great application for these safety wand flashlights is for public event parking. If you are directing traffic in the parking lot of a fair, an arena, or other public location, drivers can get confused. If your parking attendants have safety wand flashlights, they can easily help direct motorists to a place where they can park their vehicles. Having a streamlined traffic and parking pattern will help keep the chaos to a minimum as everyone arrives at your venue.