Why Reflective Work Shirts Reduce Injuries on the Job Site

Construction job sites come in varying forms, and can be very different from one another. But if there’s one thing they all share in common, it’s the potential for injuries to occur for any given reason.

Unfortunately, accidents in work zones happen, though they are thankfully on the decrease thanks to heightened security and safety measures for all workers involved. And one of these measures that have helped contribute to this decline is the use of reflective work shirts and other high-visibility gear. After all, many accidents happen simply because workers were not clearly visible to others.


Proper clothing, such as reflective work shirts, combined with advances in technology and optimal training have contributed to making all job sites safer places for people to work. However, accidents can still happen despite our best efforts, and injuries are still common.



Thousands of workers across the country are injured in various ways each and every year in construction and roadside job sites. The majority of injuries are caused by impact with objects and work-related equipment. Ranking close behind for reasons for injuries to job site workers are falls, trips, and slips, with the third most common cause is transportation accidents, which can lead to catastrophic injuries.



It’s sad to think about the number of workers who are fatally injured trying to do their job every day. About half of all fatalities on the job site are the result of being hit or run over by workplace machinery and equipment. The majority of these scenarios — whether they’re on a construction site or roadside site — tend to involve a large truck with a backup alarm that simply wasn’t functioning properly.


Other common causes of death on the job site include being struck by an object or becoming trapped by equipment. The majority of these fatalities could have been prevented if the workers had only been wearing adequate reflective equipment and high-visibility clothing while working on the job site.

With the reflective and high visibility work apparel that SafetyGear Online supplies, you can be sure to keep yourself and your crew safe on the job at all times.