Stay Safe This Winter with Reflective Safety Vests
The winter season can be a particularly dangerous time of year to be outdoors. Not only is the weather colder but the days are shorter. Some areas are even subject to heavy snow and freezing conditions. All of these factors can contribute to dangerous road conditions, poor visibility, and risk of cold stress. SafetyGear Online is here to offer you a few tips on being safe during the winter season, from reflective safety vests to pocket hand warmers, we can help you bear the cold and come out safe on the other side.
One of the biggest concerns during the winter season is snow and ice. Most injuries and accidents occur when driving and walking in snowy and icy conditions. Even clearing off stairs or sidewalks in these conditions can be dangerous. That’s why it’s important to exercise caution whenever working outside in snowy or icy conditions. For people who may need to shovel sidewalks or driveways near roads, Safety Gear Online recommends wearing reflective safety vests to ensure motorists can clearly see you, even if the snow is falling or the sun is setting.
Being seen is the most important factor when it comes to staying safe near busy roads. It can also be important for children who may be out sleigh riding in an area where they are near a roadway. Reflective safety vests allow children to be more visible if they need to cross a road or retrieve a rogue sled during a day out with friends.
In the winter it is often dark by the time people get home from work. Reflective safety vests can also be useful for adults who like to go jogging or dog walking when they get home from work. The added assurance a high visibility garment gives a person, allows them to enjoy their after work rituals even when the lighting may not be at its best.
In addition to being seen during the winter, it is equally important to stay warm. Always dress appropriately for the weather. Be sure to have adequate layers to keep warm, and wear an outer layer that is waterproof or water resistant to keep from getting wet while exposed to cold conditions. It is also helpful to keep a pocket hand warmer handy, especially if you intend to spend a great deal of time outdoors. Chemically activated hand warmers are inexpensive and do a great job of keeping your hands (or feet) toasty warm.
For more great winter safety gear visit today!