A Cycling Safety Vest can Make the Streets Safer for Cyclists

Riding a bicycle on city streets can often be an intimidating experience. With so many cars around a cyclist has to learn to focus on their ride and block out distractions, but even the safest cyclist who obeys all traffic laws is still at the mercy of the vehicles on the road. As a cyclist, the best way to ensure personal safety is to be seen by motorists. That’s where a cycling safety vest comes in handy. Wearing a reflective vest for biking increases a rider’s visibility without weighing them down.


While many states have laws protecting cyclists and granting them a buffer of space from passing vehicles, there is no guarantee that a passing motorist is aware of the law. That can make for close calls on the road. By wearing a reflective cycling vest it’s possible for drivers to see a cyclist from farther away, giving them more time to react. This reflective vest for cycling can be especially important in inclement weather where visibility may be compromised.


Unlike other reflective sport vests, a bicycle safety vest is designed to be shorter in the front and longer in the back. This allows the reflective areas to be exposed no matter what the rider’s position is. Cycling vests are also made from a light weight mesh so they can be word comfortably over any top without causing the rider to overheat.


While there is no definitive way to ensure the safety of cyclists, precautionary measures like wearing a safety helmet, brightly colored clothing, or cycling safety vest can offer some protection against a potential accident. Since most accidents occur when one party involved is not paying attention, brightly colored or reflective garments increase the likelihood of being seen before it’s too late.


In addition to a cycling safety vest and protective helmet, a cyclist should also carry a cell phone with them and some form of identification. If an accident does happen, a cyclist needs to be prepared for any scenario. The ability to contact someone in an emergency is always important. Just because a rider is out for a long ride does not mean they should be cut off from communications. Ride smart. Ride safe.