It’s always important to make sure that workers are kept safe while on the job site. In addition, it’s critical to have a safety plan, and train employees on it. It’s also wise to regularly retrain employees on such a plan in order to ensure that they understand exactly what needs to be done in order to prevent any avoidable accidents.

Looking over statistics about safety on the work site is helpful to see if any improvements need to be made in this niche. As safety managers review and update their safety initiatives, using an information-driven approach can help them understand where the focus needs to lie in safety efforts, and what should be communicated to the team to keep them safe at all times.

Here are some interesting stats about road worker safety that all safety managers should be aware of.

The number of workers in the construction industry will reach 7 million in 2016.

With so many workers in this industry, the potential for more accidents is higher. For this reason, implementing road safety should be of top priority.

Worker injuries or fatalities make up 31 percent of all work area collisions.

These numbers can be significantly reduced by ensuring safety precautions are taken, such as enforcing the use of hi-vis clothing or making use of road-side equipment.

Many construction companies, 41 percent, have plans to boost their IT expenditures in 2016.

By implementing technology in the workplace and taking advantage of developments, safety managers can optimize construction zones prior to creating them, communicate the location of motorists to workers, and improve the functionality of the equipment.

Seventy percent of collisions happen during the day.

The low visibility that’s associated with nighttime construction usually makes people assume that this is the time of higher risk for roadside employees. Yet so many more incidents happen during the day.