February 2019
Workplace Safety Tips to Staying Cool on the Job
Now that we are smack dab in the middle of summer, the temperatures are at their peak. That means we’ve got to take precautions to make sure that workers who work outside remain safe and healthy. Here are some tips to keeping your employees cool while working on the job site. Dress Properly Most workers would probably love to dress... -
Why High Visibility Clothing Is Important on the Worksite
Be Safe - Be Seen! Every individual who is working on or around a road construction site has a very important role to play when it comes to maintaining a secure and safe work area. The people working on the site as well as commuters and others passing through the area rely on the workers to keep the area safe. High visibility... -
Who Should Be Wearing Hi Visibility Apparel?
It’s not uncommon to see construction workers on a job site or roadside workers wearing orange, yellow or green neon apparel. You may have even noticed paramedics, police officers, or crossing guards wearing such types of apparel too. The reasons that they wear this type of clothing are obvious: to be clearly seen by passing motorists and operators of large equipment. This... -
When You Need to Use Hi Vis T-Shirt
When thinking about issues involving being seen while working on the job site, most people tend to think about conditions where it is snowing, raining, or getting dark. On a hot clear summer, day visibility is not really an issue right? Well actually, this is not necessarily true. With the bright summer sun overhead, glare can be a real problem, making... -
What to Look for High-Visibility T-Shirts
If you work in an industry where visibility is top priority, you'll probably need to wear a high-visibility T-shirt. The following is a list of things to consider when choosing a shirt that's best for your needs. ANSI Class Most hi-viz T-shirts fall into ANSI class 2 or 3. This means the shirts adhere to strict visibility standards and offer specific levels of visibility... -
Utilizing The ANSI Class 3: Visibility for Inclement Weather
Whether you are a railroad worker, a construction worker, a project manager, or emergency personnel who is responding to a collision, working in adverse conditions can be dangerous. In order to do your job properly, you need to keep yourself, your team, and onlookers safe. When you are working under inclement conditions such as hail, heavy rains, and snow, it can... -
Types of Safety Apparel
Safety apparel for the workplace is included in the extensive range of personal protective equipment or PPE. PPE is designed to protect the worker and covers people who work inside and outside and under all conditions. There are extensive guidelines for this equipment that can greatly reduce accidents. Here are some of the different types of safety apparel. Visibility Visibility is... -
Types of Protective Equipment You Should Be Using on the Job to Stay Safe
Many types of jobs pose specific hazards to workers on site. Construction workers, roadside workers, emergency personnel, and others are constantly being placed in potentially dangerous situations while they’re doing their job. Whether they’re dealing with heavy equipment, are working from extreme heights, or are being exposed to roadside hazards, these workers need to be equipped with the proper gear... -
Top Causes of Construction Accidents and How to Prevent Them
The top causes of fatalities from construction workplace accidents are falls, electrocution, being struck by an object, and being caught in-between objects. These accidents can be greatly reduced with better safety procedures including making sure the workers are wearing safety apparel appropriate to the job. Here are some ways to prevent these accidents. Falls Most construction-related deaths and serious injuries are caused by falls... -
Tips for Working Safety in the Rain
Whether you work in construction, emergency services, plumbing, electrical, or HVAC, at some point you are going to have to work in inclement weather. These tips will help ensure you work as safely as possible. Wear the Right GearYou won't be focusing on the task at hand if you are wet and miserable. Proper rain gear should be layered. If it's...